For a year now, or so, I’ve been selling modestly three titles on ComiXology, and two on DriveThruComics. “Modestly” is modestly overselling the idea. The reason being that personal marketing is non-existent. All the sites I might post to build a readership frown on what the general notion is of “SPAM.” Many sites expect you to post others’ content and not your own. And even if one responds to the letter of the law, the spirit of enough gatekeepers is base enough to prevent potential dissemination.
Behind this practice is a modern, digital-age notion: you want your content free. Even the likes of Louis CK who makes it simple and reasonable to get his shows still gets 99% pirated (sue me for making up stats to make a point – you know the sentiment is true enough). Well, fine. I want free content too, and the easy ability to drop change, or a recurrent donation, set to my needs/abilities, on my schedule, as a reward for things I like.
SO. I HEARBY MAKE ALL MY CONTENT FREE (actually, TPG #4 will be the last one submitted to ComiXology, THEN it will all be hosted free elsewhere). I have been serializing a graphic novel, The Pizza Guy, in 30 page installments on ComiXology, and from here on out, I will publish the pages, probably one or two per week, ON THIS WEBSITE, maybe Tumblr and DeviantArt. If you like, please share. If you care to, please donate at PAYPAL (see widget) If you want paper copies, that can still be done, minicomic sized, for 10$ each postage included to the lower 48 states.
So, since I am giving my stuff away totally free, I will feel free to post myself far and wide. It isn’t SPAM if I am not selling anything. Not by any reasonable standard. I wonder if I shall fall afoul of the dangerous notion that SPAM is any unwanted content/interaction (like being asked for directions on the street) which I note with disdain many of those younger than I seem to think is one of their Rights. Kids, it’s not. There is nothing in our federal or state systems that make it illegal for you to be talked at. Panhandling, in some places (most questionably), is struck off. But I’m not doing that. I’m GIVING MY HARD MADE CONTENT TO ANYONE WHO WANTS. And I’ve left a plate for you to throw me spare coin if you feel it’s worth it. But I am going to sit here and make puppy eyes at you while you consider.
Thanks for reading!
One reply on “Newd Irections! (haha, a joke for my webhoster), ehem: NEW DIRECTIONS!”
I may have jumped the starting gun on this. TPG #5 will be the last one on ComiXology, and then the further story will be serialized on this or some other site.