The Pizza Guy #s 6 & 7 on ComiXology
The above is the special link ComiXology provides. I have combined the last two issues of the story, #s 6 & 7, into one giant 51 page volume. It includes a teaser of “Slate Shale in Oro Loco” (one shot Western genre comic, though technically a sequel to an old and unprinted comic by Sam Battin and myself.)
So, you can get it digitally on cmX or on DriveThruComics as a double issue, or you can order print versions via email from me. The print versions are separate issues (6 and 7), for ease of printing, etc. I have included the cover images from the print versions below.
The print version of TPG#6 has a preview of Slate Shale, alike the digital double issue, and the print verision of TPG#7 has a preview of Spaceman Greg & The Cosmic Otter; Alternate Universe. Alternate, that is, to the comic strip SG&CO in the issue of TPG#5 by me and Louis Delgiacco, Esq.
So, The Pizza Guy is done after almost 20 years, for most of which the unfinished story was a gadfly on the sow’s ass of my brain. I plan to bundle it up into a single graphic novel at some point in the next year. But really, I am so done with it, and have already moved on to my next projects.
I’ll tell you what those are when I have something to show. For now, have a looksie on my instagram and my tumblr
Thanks for you patronage, lo these many years.
I ink everyday on the final double issue of The Pizza Guy series, that is, #6 & #7 are being bundled together for a 50+ page finale to the series, so I guess you can say I am participating in #Inktober. However, I did do some little analog ink and colored pencils “drawrings” for a series that popped into my head while meditating: Ernest H. Shephard style Winnie-the-Pooh character drawings in the lotus position. I ain’t scared of no ghost (of Walt Disney)!
I am hard at work on finishing TPG #6 and #7, as I said. I am hoping for a ComiXology and Drivethrucomics release in January of the new year, and at some point I hope to get a graphic novel/trade paper back sourced and available.
In between finishing TPG #5 and getting to scripts and layouts of #6 and #7, I did digital clean up on three older one shot comics from the early 2000s: Gentletmen’s Western Entertainment #2, Space Man Greg and the Cosmic Otter (utterly alternate version to the strip included in the back of TPG #5 and written by Louis P. Delgiacco), and an 18 page National Comic Jam day comic from 2006 or so, with no title as of yet. I will upload previews soon, and maybe even submit to ComiXology.
Thanks for reading and BUYING comix, y’all!