I’m finished with The Pizza Guy #3, awaiting online distribution on ComiXology.com and DriveThruComics.com, and starting #4. I’m like a 6th century monk, getting all illuminated-manuscript on its ass!
Enjoy a free preview of TPG#3 below. Note: it’s a flashback inside the greater story taking place in a 1990s era pizza franchise store, delivery department, illuminating (hanh, hanh?) how the hero (Tomas Ponder), got his job delivering pizzas. This is a love/man vs corporation tale. It is NOT biographical, it is a work of fiction. AS ALWAYS, MY WORK SHOULD BE CONSIDERED NSFW
The Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy by Fort DudakThe Pizza Guy #3
Way, way back in 1994, my cohort Sam Battin and I put together our very first comicbook. It was a foldover xerox affair, a minicomic or zine-sized B&W called:
Spiders in the Ointment, c 1994/2015 Battin & Dudak
No idea which of us came up with that title or why. In my philosophy, absurd things need no justification other than that they make one smile, snigger, of guffaw in wonder. I’m guessing that when we we’re 23 and high on life, this probably did.
So, Sam did one comic, I did one, and we collaborated on the third with him as writer and me as drawer. The one that I did was called Bible Stories That Don’t Suck, and I have scanned in a few panels, cleaned them up a bit, and present some to you here. I won’t put up the whole thing for the sake of our individual mystiques, to shroud our past in a savory effluvium of curiosity, figuratively. Maybe someday, somewhere, someone will dig that thing up and present it at our 50th anniversary retrospective art show, if the world lasts that long.
Bible Stories That Don’t Suck, c 1994/2015 Dudak & Battin
The reason I’m doing this is because I found much better content on the same story from the Bible, on youtube. A motion comic, I guess. It’s really enjoyable, and totally NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I feel like I shouldn’t have to warn you as I think you’re safest assuming all my work is NSFW because fuckity fucking fuck-a-duck, you dicks. 🙂
So, trying my hand with digital coloring. It’s not terrible, if a color-blind-hedgehog-in-a-bag, such as myself, does sayso, er, myself. This is maybe-to-be a promo image from TPG#2. The comic itself if NOT in full color, but has shades of gray (much like a properly reflected-upon life). I just finished gray-ifying TPG#1 (from 1999) to help it flow better with TPG#2 (completed 15 years later!) in preparation for release on ComiXology.com. Hopefully TPG#2 will be done with the digital manipulations in a couple of weeks and then off to ComiXology.