illustrations musings

You Recall Chamber-bot?

For those that don’t: go here.

These are unused designs for a tee-shirt, none of which were selected though I like them all and may do a limited run of them.  For the two people who might care, I’ve been developing an exciting adventure comic around Chamber-bot.


“Comics Don’t, Really.”

This is great, because it limns a clear image of one of my faves, Mister Tony Millionaire, but depressing for that image is not inspiring:,0,3242457.story

illustrations musings

My Other Doctor (& Rose)

Nine, ‘The Oncoming Storm’: Christopher Eccleston played the role of the Doctor in 2005 – my favorite actor of the new era.  All of the actors since 2005 have been great (Tennant, Smith), but Eccleston brought the character back with giant space balls. Hearing him call Rose ‘just another styoopid ape!’ is an apt joy.

And Rose Tyler.  I think I captured her doe-eyed, brit-toothed qualities.  I was not a fan of her character until David Tennant took over.