For the curious, and for the sagacious considerers for curated content, here are free pages from Fort Dudak’s Six Pack (f.k.a. Fort Dudak’s Six Panels) #2
this is the series of 30-Day Page-A-Day Improv Comix — on a theme of quitting cigarettes:
I’m finished with The Pizza Guy #3, awaiting online distribution on and, and starting #4. I’m like a 6th century monk, getting all illuminated-manuscript on its ass!
Enjoy a free preview of TPG#3 below. Note: it’s a flashback inside the greater story taking place in a 1990s era pizza franchise store, delivery department, illuminating (hanh, hanh?) how the hero (Tomas Ponder), got his job delivering pizzas. This is a love/man vs corporation tale. It is NOT biographical, it is a work of fiction. AS ALWAYS, MY WORK SHOULD BE CONSIDERED NSFW