comics musings video

Ween, CosmicSpaz, Casey Crowe, and Me

Tap Tap Tap.  Yeah, the internet is always on.

So, a couple of things. Firstly, I love the band wEEn.  The BEST band I’ve ever known.  So, somehow without looking, I came across this lovely, plaintive, wrong-in-good-way cover on the TUBE.

Cosmicspaz does covers of Ween songs and originals.  And, crazily, this young lady looks a lot like the character Casey Crowe whom I’ve been drawing for decades!

Casey Crowe
Casey Crowe

casey 2 casey 3

I’ve been reading a lot of Freud of late and he calls bullshit on the value of synchronicity.  I’ma too lazy to cite the reference partly because I heard it on the podcast, Partially Examined Life, their first episode on Freud (I am a PEL citizen).  Yes, I know I said “reading” — I am doing that too, but the note above came from something I heard. I highly recommend PEL, too, BTW, if you are interested in learning about the history of philosophy in an entertaining and potentially rigorous way (what do I know of argumentative rigor?  I’m a BFA!)  I know that Jung made a big deal of synchronicity but I doubt this had much to do with the big split between him and Freud.  My mad money’s on Freud as the one with the most profound effect on how we talk about mind, culture, art, etc.  Of course, I am a dude, a dude’s dude, so of course Freud speaks to me.  The voices in your head are probably different.

Also, my latest The Pizza Guy is here at Comixology.  I do have stuff on DriveThruComics too, exclusively in pdf format, but, honestly, their layout requirements make it harder on me than Comixology’s do, so my attitudinal lassitude frequently delays. The most recent issues of TPG and Fort Dudak’s Six Pack are not up on DriveThru yet, but there’s plenty of stuff there.

By the way, if you want print copies, email me at apostatemansion at the g mail, and pay me ten bucks via paypal, and I will happily USPS you paper copies.  I know that most comics nerds like paper.  Me too.  But I’d be a fool not to make use of digital distribution despite not caring as much for it myself.

I’m going to start essaying/journaling more on this site because why the hell not?

Also, keep an eye on my brother-site,  My associates over there are brewing interesting content too!

comics musings Uncategorized

Free Pages from The Pizza Guy #3

I’m finished with The Pizza Guy #3, awaiting online distribution on and, and starting #4.  I’m like a 6th century monk, getting all illuminated-manuscript on its ass!

Enjoy a free preview of TPG#3 below.  Note: it’s a flashback inside the greater story taking place in a 1990s era pizza franchise store, delivery department, illuminating (hanh, hanh?) how the hero (Tomas Ponder), got his job delivering pizzas.  This is a love/man vs corporation tale.  It is NOT biographical, it is a work of fiction. AS ALWAYS, MY WORK SHOULD BE CONSIDERED NSFW



The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
The Pizza Guy #3
The Pizza Guy #3
comics Uncategorized

Fort Dudak’s Six Pack #4 on sale!

My (FIRST FULL COLOR) comic, “Fort Dudak’s Six Pack #4” is NOW available on ComiXology Submit! Be sure to check it out!

This one is titled “on Fitness” and is ostensibly advice and motivation about getting and living fit.  Also, still improvised daily (hah! hardly…) comix on whatever I happen to be thinking about.

Fort Dudak's Six Pack #4
FD6P #4


Also, I am currently working on page #9 of The Pizza Guy with a hopeful release of January 2016.  But that’s being overly optimistic.  Now, if I were doing this FULL TIME, then for sure.  But as it is, no.

Here’s some crummy iPhone pix of page 7, showing how “the sausage” is sometimes made. First, the page as inked; note a text box at top and a fair amount of blank space for text to be inserted later:

The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
TPG 3 PG 7

Next, the same page with tracing paper overlay of more text/caption boxes.  I do this when I want the option of being able to shift text around completed artwork, resizing as I see fit.  Note how the the last panel’s captions are too big for the art.  Photopshop will fix that right up!

The Pizza Guy by Fort Dudak
TPG 3 PG 7 pt 2

Thanks for reading comix!