comics musings

Fort Dudak’s Six Panels on ComiXology! (& More!)

Yes!  Finally I am doing something about distribution other than xeroxes, staples, and the interior of a steamer trunk in my basement.  I’m for sale on the internet, on the premier digital distribution network for comics (and comix and graphic novels, etc.).

Fort Dudak’s Six Panels #2

Also, I’ve been supporting a great, old friend in the development of his comics website comics-for-grownups, and their artists are distributing comics on ComiXology, too!  To read about them, go here: Stable of Artists at C4G.

Gentlemen’s Pernicious Entertainment

Also (news piles up when one neglects regular website updates), follow me on Twitter if you’d like: Here!

And lasty, I am inking the final page of The Pizza Guy issue number 2, this week. I am hoping to have both issues available for Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle in 2015. I plan to be sitting with the SICAGA folks. More about them in another post.


Six Panels No. 3 is OUT!

Instead of 30 days it took me 30 months to get it all together. But who’s paying attention to that?

I will be shopping these around to all the great comics shops in the area: Zanadu, Pike Place Market’s Golden Age Comics … and others.

Big thanks to




Six Panel 1-11-2010

fort dudak comix comics six panels district 9